Independent Short Films
“Desert Rat: Duster’s Breakfast,” is a 3d animated short film about a young desert rat who finds a tasty kernel of corn for his breakfast. He eagerly gives it a bite. It’s so hard that he falls backwards starting a chain-reaction that ends with Duster’s breakfast nearly eating him, rather than the other way around. This short was a teaser for a feature film script called “Desert Rat.”
“On the Rise,” is a short 3D animated film I did a student. it’s about a rancher who reads that his sheep are a major cause of global warming. His brilliant solution is to attach large weather balloons to the back end of his sheep. After a long day’s work, he and his faithful dog, Bullet, settle in for a nap. Meanwhile the balloons are doing their work, but by the time Bullet wakes up his master, the sheep are beginning to lift off. The rancher’s solution to this development is explosive.